Lily was feeling terrible. She had a terrible sounding cough and we could tell she was feeling crappy and tired. Michele went to teach Sunday School music at the church in the morning and when she came home, I had to leave for church to run the Audio/Visual equipment for the second service. When I got home, Lily didn't eat much and we gave her Motrine a couple times in the day to knock down her fever of 101 degree. Michele and I were given a coupon to eat at the Chop House and were supposed to go around supper time. We decided not to go but her parents were persistant to watch Lily and spend some quality grandparent time with her.
So Michele and I went and enjoyed some entertainment at the four o'clock matinee at the Movie Theatre instead. We saw "The Book of Eli." It had a great plot and made Michele and I think, "What would we do if put in that situation?"
After the movie we returned home. Hoping that Grandma and Grandpa weren't going insane from spending a couple hours with a sick grandbaby, we got home and found them laughing and watching a Dr. David Jeremiah DVD. Lily was asleep in her little area by the fireplace. Shortly after Grandma and Grandpa left, Lily woke up and was burning up. She had a fever of 102.6 and had no appetite. Her cough was worse and she was fussy. Looking into her eyes we knew she was SO sick. One of our great friends, Andy, stopped by to check up on her. He suggested that we take her to the ER and get her checked out.
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